Backstreet boys

Climbing the walls

Close your eyes, make a wish
That this could last forever
If only you could stay with me now
So tell me what it is
That keeps us from each other now

Yeah, it's coming to get me
You're under my skin

No, I can't let you go
You're a part of me now
Caught by the taste of your kiss
And I don't wanna know
The reason why I
Can't stay forever like this
Now I'm climbing the walls 'cause I miss you

Take my hand, take my life
Just don't take forever
And let me feel your pain kept inside (oh yeah)
There's gotta be a way
For you and I together now

Yeah, it's coming to get me
You're under my skin

No, I can't let you go
You're a part of me now
Caught by the taste of your kiss
And I don't wanna know
The reason why I
Can't stay forever like this
Now I'm climbing the walls 'cause I miss you

It's an illusion
How can I feel this way? (ohh)
If I can't have you
It's an illusion
Nothing is real this way (ohh)
If I can't have you

No, I can't let you go
You're a part of me now (now)
Caught by the taste of your kiss (I don't wanna know)
And I don't wanna know
The reason why I
Can't stay forever like this (I'm climbing the walls)
Now I'm climbing the walls cause I miss you

I can't let you go, no

And I don't wanna know
The reason why I
Can't stay forever like this (ohh, ohh)
Now I'm climbing the walls cause I miss (I miss) you

Lo se, podria haber colgado cualquier montaje donde la cancion de escuchara mejor pero no significaria lo mismo con un monton de imagenes absurdas.
Me encanta la cancion, la letra y todo =)

Para aclarar dudas sobre si los bsb cantan bien o no dejo este video que particularmente me ha encantado

Si, me gustan los backstreet boys ^_^! Howie: a ti TE AMO! x)
Category: 2 comentarios

2 comentarios:

Sepho dijo...

Y q tienen de malo? Si el concierto fue la bomba, pese a las horas q nos metimos, empujones y demás tratos inhumanos xDD pero vaya que si mereció la pena ^^!

La cancion de lo mejor y mas emotiva para mi x____ ya lo sabes que me encanta!

Y tu, me encantas (L)!!

Perusa dijo...

Dioshh entre BSB y Mika estas bajado tu reputación conmigo, :(